AFP通信のインスタグラム(afpphoto) - 10月25日 05時52分

#AFPrepost @washingtonpost ? @ppardo1 - On Tuesday, migrants traveling in the caravan stopped to rest in the small southern Mexican city of Huixtla, washing their clothes in buckets of water, sending messages to their families from Internet cafes, and accepting whatever donations local residents were willing to offer. There was word that hundreds more migrants were on their way to join the group that's already surpassed more than 5,000. As it continues to grow, the largest such caravan in recent years, its beginnings have come under scrutiny. Although the caravan’s origin story remains somewhat opaque, many of the migrants have told The Post that they have wanted to leave their situations for months or years, and then — in a Facebook post, a television program, a WhatsApp group — they saw an image of the growing group and decided it was time. Read more about how the migrant caravan became so big and why it’s continuing to grow on (Photo by Pedro Pardo/AFP/Getty Images)


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