Vogue Italiaのインスタグラム(vogueitalia) - 10月27日 00時02分

@luomovogue ‘s new issue ?
Worlds Apart: passion, power, pain, protest. Edited by @alessiaglaviano ? A perfectly-observed, serendipitously-timed reportage photograph has the power to short-circuit our subjectivity. It puts us in another person’s shoes. It makes us wonder what we would do, what we would think, and how we would feel were we were the one caught in that frame. For this new issue five famed photo editors select a shot that sparked that visceral jolt of empathy in them, then reflect on the feelings and thoughts – the out of body experience – it prompted.
? ‘A syrian refugee walks through a rainstorm in Greece’ by Yannis Behrakis @yannisbehrakis - chosen by Jean-François Leroy - “I saw this picture by Yannis Behrakis a few days after it was taken. It gave me goose bumps. I could never forget it. To tell the truth, I have never tried to forget it. Today, when the news brings me new information about migrants, I think of this image. I do not know what has happened to this man. Nor to his little girl. Did they manage to cross the borders? Were they beaten? Did they come up against the ever-expanding barbed wire fences that some countries have put in their way? Did they find a country, a land that would welcome them? I will certainly never know. But I think of them. Often.” Keep reading the article by #JeanFranoisLeroy in our new issue and today on vogue.it


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