ピアーズアトキンソンのインスタグラム(piersatkinson) - 10月27日 19時34分

#?➡️➡️ #DAYWEAR. #CONTESTANT15. My girlfriends were all asking how did it get out of hand so quickly at the @alternative.miss.world?! TBH I was livid by the time I even got on stage at @the_globe last weekend. I’d met Isla Nublar, lovely girl, who was working round the back when I went out for a ciggie while #contestant14 #MissLycergicAcid slowly got on with beginning to start her act. One thing led to another and, before we knew it, 45 minutes later, we were still waiting backstage for #MissLycergicAcid to get off the damn stage. By that time I’d hit the roof with a six-pack of cider, Isla Nublar wouldn’t give me one more tinny and, after a few words, the bitch grabbed my hair and shoved me out on the stage. Christ I needed a fag but she’d borrowed my lighter and not given it back. To add insult to impending injury they played the #wrongmusic - it was for #contestant16 #MissWhoGivesAFuck (I heard she does for a free kebab, bet it’s a donner knowing her) - let’s just say I’d built up a lot of steam by the time I spotted some #members of the audience not looking at me. One thing led to another and the rest is history. Extra thanks to co-Host #sarakestelman for passing back my fags and cider. Film: 360 VR surround vision by @the_globe @YouTube channel #andrewlogan’s #alternativemissworld @andrewlogangallery @anthonyblanchflower


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



