レイ・アレンのインスタグラム(trayfour) - 10月30日 21時53分

We are supposed to be afraid of a caravan of people that may or may not be trying to get into America, yet we continue to be killed by our own citizens in this country! Weve had enough of thoughts and prayers. It's time for action!! In America we have the right to free speech but if hate crimes are against the law in this country hate speech should be outlawed as well!!! Hate has no place anywhere!!! Our current elected officials continue to fail us! So it is time we the people go to the polls and vote so we can get people in office that will listen! Don't make excuses people just find a way to make sure you're ready to vote. It's time to really speak truth to power! #vote #speaktruthtopower #timetogotothepolls #saynotohatespeech #makeitimportanttoyou #makeourelectedofficialslisten

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