ケリー・マレーのインスタグラム(kelli_murray) - 10月30日 23時51分

My feet hurt SO BAD from all the walking we did the last few days but this trip is just what Sam and I needed. Just like anything, marriage takes work. Life can get so crazy trying to juggle work and kids and health stuff and everything in between that often times it’s our relationship with each other that suffers. We love our kids (a lot) and we also love our jobs.....but to be fully known and truly loved by one another is all either of us really want. Almost 9 years in and we are still figuring this thing out, but choosing you @thisissamlarson is still one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Thanks for believing in me (in us), for loving me despite my flaws, for your willingness to learn and grow alongside me, for being the best dad i could have ever dreamed up, and for rubbing my feet every night even when you don’t want to ;) I didn’t really mean for this caption to get so long and mushy but it did and I’m not sorry. My original caption was just that I’ve never met a peachy-pink house that i didn’t love....and that’s also true. It’s been real #sanfrancisco ✌? until next time.

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