2018 Lead WorldCup season was over!! I was 3rd place in the final And I could stand on the first podium this season. * This year I participated 4 in 7 Worldcups, and the result was 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th. My Lead ranking was 8th. In the final round I was very happy to be able to perform satisfactory performance over the final of the first Worldcup. And I topped all Qualification route! (Totally 8)* * However, I was shocked at the difference in strength of Janja and Jessica that they easily exceed my fall point which I achieved the best performance. I still need training.* * And after finished 2018 season, I was able to be 2nd in Combined Overall !!* * I found so many problems in Boulder, Lead, Speed...all of them. So now, I’m already looking forward to training in the winter. * Thank you so much for your support this season!!:)* * * 2018Worldcup終了〜! ほんっっと長かった。 でも最後にLWCで表彰台に上がれてよかったです。色々工夫して、初戦の頃よりも決勝でいいパフォーマンスも出来るようになりました!* * LWC7戦中4戦参戦し、3位・4位・5位・7位で年間ランキングは8位でした。そして私的に嬉しかったことは、自分が参戦したLWCの全ての予選(計8本)を完登出来たこと!* * ただ、私が落ちた決勝の高度を余裕で越えていくヤンヤとジェシカの強さは…ショックなレベルでした?来年には準決勝、決勝も完登出来るようになりたい! * そして、コンバインドの年間ランキングでは2位になることが出来ましたが、3種目ともまだまだ穴だらけ。今年の反省を生かして冬場のトレーニング頑張ります!!!* * 今シーズンも沢山の応援ありがとうございました?❤️✨そしてリード面子の雰囲気もすっごく楽しかったです。日本チームからの応援が本当に力になりました??みんな ありがとう〜!!!* * * photo by miwako kubota @au_official @thenorthfacejp #三井不動産 @cowsoapcp #zerostart @orientalbio1991 @lasportivajp @petzl_official @newhale_japan

noguchi_akiyoさん(@noguchi_akiyo)が投稿した動画 -

野口啓代のインスタグラム(noguchi_akiyo) - 10月31日 12時57分

2018 Lead WorldCup season was over!!
I was 3rd place in the final And I could stand on the first podium this season.
This year I participated 4 in 7 Worldcups, and the result was 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th. My Lead ranking was 8th.
In the final round I was very happy to be able to perform satisfactory performance over the final of the first Worldcup. And I topped all Qualification route! (Totally 8)*
However, I was shocked at the difference in strength of Janja and Jessica that they easily exceed my fall point which I achieved the best performance. I still need training.*
And after finished 2018 season, I was able to be 2nd in Combined Overall !!*
I found so many problems in Boulder, Lead, Speed...all of them. So now, I’m already looking forward to training in the winter.
Thank you so much for your support this season!!:)*
今シーズンも沢山の応援ありがとうございました?❤️✨そしてリード面子の雰囲気もすっごく楽しかったです。日本チームからの応援が本当に力になりました??みんな ありがとう〜!!!*
photo by miwako kubota
@au公式Instagramアカウント @THE NORTH FACE JAPAN #三井不動産 @cowsoapcp #zerostart @orientalbio1991 @lasportivajp @petzl_official @newhale_japan


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