アラナ・ニコルズのインスタグラム(alanathejane) - 11月1日 03時12分

Halloween has its roots mainly in the ancient Celtic tradition of Samhain. Their calendar divided the year into two parts, light and dark, with Samhain (roughly translated as “Summer’s End”) representing the end of the light half and the beginning of the dark half. .
For years @roytuscany was all too familiar with his dark side, numbing his pain w booze and being the life of the party to escape then pain that was buried deep inside...until 2 years ago when he made a huge and very difficult choice to get sober and reconnect with the LIGHT.
From that decision on October 31st, 2016, to stop drinking, he started laying the foundation for his BEST LIFE. .
2 years later, the actual foundation he started @hi5sfoundation is flourishing, he’s lost 30+ lbs of excess booze weight and he’s excited for everyday he gets to share with me. I’m so grateful for his decision, however backwards it was with the season, to change and choose life over death. Happy 2 years babe!
PSA: No regrets for anyone drinking tonight. After all, the darker things get, the easier it is to shine. But remember, one good decision leads to the next and if it seems impossible not to drink today, know that if Roy can do it... you can too.
#chooselight #soberhalloween #woke #oneheartbeatatatime #love #joy #peace #proudgirlfriend #happyanniversary #sober #soberoctober #beencouraged


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