クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 11月2日 07時51分

That robe life is a real thing guys! Never not wearing a robe these days. Tbh I totally forgot how hard and time consuming breastfeeding was. The first few weeks I got mastitis (inflammation of the breasts) and my milk completely dried up on one side. It totally discouraged me and I wanted to quit, but I didn’t. It was really painful but I pushed thru. My milk supply is back up now, but I’m still not producing enough for babygirl (Currently supplementing 2 times a day). Any tips on producing more ? ? (Also shout out to all the new moms out there whether you are breastfeeding or formula feeding... It’s all so.much.work. We got this and we are all in this together! And sorry to my non mommy followers.. this post may be TMI) #coletteandchriselle


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