Arden Roseのインスタグラム(ardenrose) - 11月4日 07時10分

Can I just say how cool it is to STILL see people tagging me in pictures with their copies of Almost Adulting? Yeah yeah I know, ANOTHER YouTuber with a book, but I’m just proud that you guys read it and then liked it enough to post about it. Seriously you don’t know how much that means to me (I am very worried about what other people think of me DUH ?) since they were the actual words in my brain that I somehow formed into a google doc that my editor somehow made into a complete book and I’m still BOGGLED that I was capable of writing a BOOK. I know this all sounds masturbatory and self serving, but sometimes it’s easy to get really down on yourself and not think you’re capable of anything. It’s good to tap yourself on the shoulder and remind you of what YOU can do! Alright I’m done. Thank you guys. (Photo by @kanauika you rock Patricia!)


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