ベス・ベアーズのインスタグラム(bethbehrs) - 11月9日 13時48分

after the news of yet ANOTHER MASS shooting, and wanting to scream and cry and pull my hair out ...,all I kept thinking all day is “I wish, I WISH I could go be with the horses”. Because with horses, things are safe. things are calm. I am in my body. Present. Awake and completely in tune with all that is natural and pure. Sometimes I think technology has taken us so far away from our connection to the natural world and if we could only spend more time there, perhaps we could find more compassion, healing and love in our hearts. It’s almost the weekend. Go outside. Smell the roses.. literally. Breathe the air. Feel the sun. Snuggle a four legged friend. Sending those out there suffering all the love and hope I can muster .
@sheherdpower #rescuehorse ?: @palominocimino


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