ジーニー・チェンマイのインスタグラム(thejeanniemai) - 11月9日 17時42分

"I'm gonna keep praying Jeannie. I've called every hospital ten times...maybe she's just unconscious. She could have escaped the shooting and is just without her phone. Keep praying," Tam tells me before she hangs up this morning. Hours later, the devastating news is confirmed. I will never forget the sound of my friend's despair, how her cries amplified the anguish surrounding every family of the 12 victims murdered. In 2018, there has been a total of 307 mass shootings in America. And tonight, I feel the reverberating sorrow of every friend and family member affected by the horrific, senseless nightmare that is gun violence.

#Repost @tameramowrytwo
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Alaina. My sweet, sweet Alaina. My heart breaks. I’m still in disbelief. It’s not fair how you were taken and how soon you were taken from us. I was blessed to know you ever since you were 5. You stole my heart. I will miss our inside jokes, us serenading at the piano. Thank you for being patient with me learning how to braid your hair, and I will never forget our duet singing the national anthem at Napa’s soccer game. I love you. I love you. I love you. You are gonna make one gorgeous angel. My heart and prayers are with every victim of this tragedy.


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