アンナ・シュテールのインスタグラム(anna_stoehr) - 11月10日 04時11分

Save Zillergrund Wald!!!

The bouldering area ‘Zillergrund Wald’ is in danger due to quarrying - please sign the petition NOW!!

When I was young I used to spend every weekend in Zillergrund - this is how my love for climbing and nature developed. If the area of the existing quarry will be extended the entire ‘Zillergrund Wald’ bouldering area will be destroyed forever! Please sign this petition (complete all 3 stages) to enable climbers from across the globe to enjoy one of the best bouldering spots in Austria!
Link in bio!

thanks for the pic to @bernardo_gimenez!
Please feel free to share-the more backers there are the greater are our chances of saving this unique area!!!


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