シャナン・ドハーティーのインスタグラム(theshando) - 11月12日 10時21分

Our house is fine.....Contrary to news reports. I clearly stated in my last post that the house that got burned was lent to me for special occasion, like my wedding. It was my best friends house that has provided me and many more with comfort and love over the years. I’m heartbroken for him. Thank you to everyone who has reached out. I’ve been in Malibu all day, wetting down what I can, putting out spot fires and checking on friends and their homes. Many will come back to nothing. And as the winds kick up, no one knows if what’s standing will remain. But we are a strong community. Not one filled with “celebrities” but a community filled with people who possess the biggest hearts, strong wills, determination and who will always help one another. I’m honored to be a part of Malibu. Thank you to all the firemen, police officers, and sheriffs who barely sleep trying to keep us safe. Thank you to this great crew from Fullerton engine 5 I love you all and I’ll keep you posted as I can. #malibustrong @fullerton_firefighters


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