EN/IT: [PERSIAN COOKING CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT] I can’t put into words that feeling of heartwarming I get when you shower me with curiosity, respect and affection whenever I bring up Persian food, and consequently Persian culture. These Persian cooking classes started last year as a side kick, and they have turned out to be one of the most requested activities that I do. • ✨ So here we go, to end this 2018 in style, the last Persian cooking class of the year will be in #LatteriaStudio (in Rome) on SATURDAY DECEMBER 15TH, where will dive into a world of warm spices and dry fruits. • ? We’ll cook together, in the warm Christmasy atmosphere of Latteria Studio, over a glass of wine or two, and then (after quite some work) we’ll eat with a Persian feast. • ??‍? Few spots are available, since some have been pre-booked. All the info can be found in the link in the bio. Just shoot me an email or a DM here! — IT: [CORSO DI CUCINA PERSIANA] Grazie al vostro sostegno e l’interessa, sono felicissima di dirvi che terrò un’ultima lezione di cucina persiana prima che finisca l’anno in Latteria Studio (a Roma) il 15 dicembre. • ? Insieme chiameremo e cucineremo un intero banchetto persiano con tante spezie calde, le rose e la frutta secca, perfetto per aggiungere un tocco di colori e sapori orientali alla vostra tavola natalizia. • ✨ Troverete tutte le info nel link nel bio. Per qualsiasi altra cosa mandatemi una mail o un messaggio qui. #FlavorsAndEncounters #PersianCookingClass Picture: lunch from a Persian cooking class last year.

labnoonさん(@labnoon)が投稿した動画 -

Saghar Setarehのインスタグラム(labnoon) - 11月12日 22時38分

EN/IT: [PERSIAN COOKING CLASS ANNOUNCEMENT] I can’t put into words that feeling of heartwarming I get when you shower me with curiosity, respect and affection whenever I bring up Persian food, and consequently Persian culture. These Persian cooking classes started last year as a side kick, and they have turned out to be one of the most requested activities that I do. • ✨
So here we go, to end this 2018 in style, the last Persian cooking class of the year will be in #LatteriaStudio (in Rome) on SATURDAY DECEMBER 15TH, where will dive into a world of warm spices and dry fruits. • ?
We’ll cook together, in the warm Christmasy atmosphere of Latteria Studio, over a glass of wine or two, and then (after quite some work) we’ll eat with a Persian feast. • ??‍?
Few spots are available, since some have been pre-booked. All the info can be found in the link in the bio. Just shoot me an email or a DM here!

IT: [CORSO DI CUCINA PERSIANA] Grazie al vostro sostegno e l’interessa, sono felicissima di dirvi che terrò un’ultima lezione di cucina persiana prima che finisca l’anno in Latteria Studio (a Roma) il 15 dicembre. • ?
Insieme chiameremo e cucineremo un intero banchetto persiano con tante spezie calde, le rose e la frutta secca, perfetto per aggiungere un tocco di colori e sapori orientali alla vostra tavola natalizia.
• ✨
Troverete tutte le info nel link nel bio. Per qualsiasi altra cosa mandatemi una mail o un messaggio qui.
#FlavorsAndEncounters #PersianCookingClass
Picture: lunch from a Persian cooking class last year.

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