アンバー・ライリーのインスタグラム(msamberpriley) - 11月14日 03時39分

I don’t know why this statement struck me. I had to ask myself if I achieve what I’m working for, will I be satisfied? Will it be enough? Was it ever enough? Can Ambition sometimes be a thief of joy too? Do the things that make us happy change as we grow, or are we just an insatiable culture? I have found that the things I thought would complete me, didn’t. They distracted me from what I really needed to harbor true happiness and peace of mind. Cheat code: money and things can change a lot of things, but it absolutely doesn’t fix anything if you don’t invest in your spiritual and mental health. Money will just make your problems MORE EXPENSIVE. You can quote me on that. I’m more focused on the things I can’t buy. Lord give me all the things I need to be a better vessel and a better example. Let me let go of the things that I feel will impress others and keep up appearances. They don’t matter. I want to lead and walk in truth and love ? Have a great day people! #notesfrommyjournal


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