マーク・ジェイコブスのインスタグラム(themarcjacobs) - 11月14日 10時57分

About last night. #sofiacoppola and I hosted a party for our great friend and my long time collaborator Paul Fortune in honor of his book Notes on Decor etc. Gorgeous photos of beautiful homes and rooms (many that he designed for me and we worked on together). Also included are photos of Paul’s heavenly Laurel Canyon house. I think I was 26 years old when I first met Paul and saw his magnificent home. I was so crazy in love with Paul’s taste, his eye, his personality and sensibilities that I swore that “if and when I can afford to have a place of my own that I can design as I’d like- I wanted him to be the designer”. Our friendship and professional relationship started shortly after we met and continues to this day. In fact, me and Charly have a new project with Paul as of today. The book also includes Paul’s distinctive voice, quips, observations and anecdotes. I know I’m biased but I highly recommend this book!!!! @アナスイ @amytastley @ericgoode @chardefrancesco @sofiawine @charlesmiers @therealgracecoddington #paulfortunedesign @rizzolibooks


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