NBC Newsのインスタグラム(nbcnews) - 11月17日 01時47分

This is where the El Dorado Co. Sheriff's Office says they found #Paradise, #California, resident Don Clark after the catastrophic #CampFire swept through the small city.
“Don said as he tried to leave his house during the fire that he got stuck in a blocked roadway in his vehicle. He survived the fire and decided to stay put at his house to try to save his animals,” the sheriff’s dept. says.
He saved one of his dogs and one of his cats, and saved his neighbor's house by fighting the fire himself.
“Don didn't seem to think about himself. He was mainly concerned with the animals in the area and the houses he wasn't able to save,” the sheriff’s office says. “The deputies gave Don some food and left him in seemingly good spirits, especially considering what just happened.”
? El Dorado Co. Sheriff’s Office


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