パオラ・ポーリンのインスタグラム(paola_paulin) - 11月17日 04時47分

What are you thankful for ?❤️ Que agradeces el día de hoy ?
I woke up today and it was hard to put a smile on my face, the last couple weeks we have experienced natural disasters, violence, and friends loosing their loved ones.
This are hard times and even though we can’t feel their pain like they do, we need to keep positive and smiling, not for us for the ones who needs us.
Thanksgiving it’s around the corner and I want to invite everyone to help others, to be there for your families, friends and for the victims of these disasters. I send all the light and love for all the people that are going trough hard times right now, you are in my prayers ?. God bless you all


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