タイラー・シールズのインスタグラム(thetylershields) - 11月25日 06時10分

What we see in others is often what we see in ourselves, my whole life I have always seen a version of a person, what I imagine to be their best version, there is no power in being jealous, nothing to gain from hoping your dreams comes at someone else’s nightmare, if you look at life as a marathon you must know there are ups and downs, no one judges you on how you handle the ups only the downs, the trick is when you down don’t look down only up. There is something so honest about a persons eyes, your mouth can lie but it takes a lot to lie with your eyes, I have had hundreds of not thousands of conversations with people before photographing them. But nothing tells me more than what I learn from their eyes. Swipe right to see 9 more images with some amazing people... Which is your favorite?


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