#atsushizm とうとう今年も残すところあと1カ月。 2018年の締めくくりとなるシングルを、リリースさせていただきました。今年は本当に応援してくださる皆さんがあたたかく、僕の帰国を受け入れてくださって、”ありがたい”の一言に尽きる一年でした。よく言えば、充実。言い方を変えれば、働いたなぁ〜…(笑)とにかく一年があっという間に過ぎてしまいました。自分の人生を、一瞬でも無駄にしない気持ちで、よく働いて、よく飲んで…(笑)またやっちゃって…(笑)でも、幸せを感じる、この心さえあれば、すべてをありがたいと思えたり…。 今年も一年間、みなさんと過ごせたことを、ただただありがたく、感謝しています。 過去最高に豪華なシングルを作ることができました‼️ ぜひ聴いてやってください‼️ そんなこと言わずにさぁ〜(笑)聴いてやってくださいよぉ〜(笑)  Just like that, there’s only one month left for 2018. I released a song to finish off the year.  This year especially I felt the kindness and warmth of the people supporting me. Thank you for welcoming me back after my studies abroad. It was also a year where I worked really hard. I feel that the year passed by so quickly! I want to make sure that I don’t waste a single moment of my life, I’ll work hard and drink hard. And oops there I go again... lol.  However I feel so much happiness. With these feelings I can feel gratitude for everything. I am so grateful that I could spend this year with all of you.  Here’s a great single I made.  Probably by far the most gorgeous one yet !  Please have a listen. Don’t say you won’t. Please do !

exile_atsushi_officialさん(@exile_atsushi_official)が投稿した動画 -

ATSUSHIのインスタグラム(exile_atsushi_official) - 12月1日 20時07分


Just like that, there’s only one month left for 2018. I released a song to finish off the year. 
This year especially I felt the kindness and warmth of the people supporting me. Thank you for welcoming me back after my studies abroad. It was also a year where I worked really hard. I feel that the year passed by so quickly! I want to make sure that I don’t waste a single moment of my life, I’ll work hard and drink hard. And oops there I go again... lol. 
However I feel so much happiness. With these feelings I can feel gratitude for everything. I am so grateful that I could spend this year with all of you. 
Here’s a great single I made. 
Probably by far the most gorgeous one yet ! 
Please have a listen. Don’t say you won’t. Please do !


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




