タイラージェームス・ウィリアムスのインスタグラム(willtylerjames) - 12月12日 02時24分

That moment when you finally catch that melody you’ve been looking for. .

When I was sick, I went through a 2 year long writers block. As someone who used to write in some way, shape or form every day since I can remember this was devastating to my mental and creative well being. Once I got my health back on track my next priority was getting back to writing. @kikoko_hq Positivi - Tea helped restart the writing engine that had been dead for so long. As a creative, your mood and mental well being directly effect your work and for anyone who struggles the way I did I highly recommend it. Creating is never as easy as it’s often portrayed to be. Be kind to yourself, patient with your abilities, and take care of your mind, body and spirit. Your art and body will thank you. .
Ps. @realsway cue up the 5 fingers of death. I’m coming back to promote @whiskeycavalierabc and @theweddingyear top of the year and I have bars to unload


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



