ランス・バスのインスタグラム(lancebass) - 12月13日 02時36分

Well well. Looks like I have a new spirit animal. A new species of bat is now my namesake ??! According to @world_wildlife’s Mekong species report, a new species of bat was discovered by Dr. Pipat Soisook of Prince Songkla University and his team thinks the bat’s hair bears a likeness to my own, hence it’s unofficial name “The Lance Bass Bat.” Now I may be biased but that is one hip bat! Thank you @world_wildlife for the work you do to protect The #LanceBassBat and other species throughout Asia’s Mekong region and throughout the world. It’s more important than ever to protect wildlife and their habitats. Go to WorldWildlife.org/Lance to learn more. #FrostedTips


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



