ジェナ・ジェイムソンのインスタグラム(jennacantlose) - 12月18日 04時25分

Here we go! #motivationmonday
Things that have helped me lose weight-
I stopped snacking. I allow myself to get hungry.
I walk to where I need to go. I stop eating when I’m satisfied.
Intermittent fasting between 6pm-11am. Purged my kitchen of all processed foods.
I don’t feed my family processed food. I barely EVER eat out.
I accept that slow progress is PROGRESS. I take progress pictures to motivate me.
I only shop the perimeter at the market.
I consider eating as nourishing not as a reward. I adjust my food according to how my body is reacting. If I am stalled, I eat less calories or cut dairy. Most importantly, I treat myself with love and patience.
#keto #ketotransformation #beforeandafter #beforeandafterweightloss #ketogains #intermittentfasting #selflove #fitmom #weightlosstransformation #weightlossjourney ***if you don’t yet, follow me at @ketocantlose

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