ヴィッキー・パティソンのインスタグラム(vickypattison) - 12月19日 17時32分

Lastnight was lit... ?? (see what I did there?!) Lovely trip to the theatre with my @thebeautybom and @raywooldridge lastnight to see Flackers in Chicago!
And before anyone else points it out: - yes I have an extremely prominent vein in my forehead, it’s more noticeable when I smile aggressively, lose weight or drink- we’ve got the Hatrick right here so its having a bloody field day!! ???
- yes it does kind of look like there’s a baby’s head trapped in my knee. Don’t worry, he’s fine I’ve asked! (I call him Balthazar) - all my outfit details are tagged
- no I don’t know the fella in the back of the second picture, although I wish I did as he’s giving me LIFE ??
- my hair is @beauty_worksonline Clip ins! Cute huh? - and I’d honestly only had 3 drinks so good knows why I look like such a creepy drunk in pic 3 but I thought it was kinda cute so it’s up anyway!! ??? I hope everyone has a lovely Wednesday ???


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



