クリッセル・リムのインスタグラム(chrisellelim) - 12月26日 08時40分

This year we didn’t finish decorating the tree... in fact our tree was quite the embarrassment as it died weeks before Christmas. We didn’t put up lights on the house as we usually do, we took Christmas photos but never sent out holiday cards, we bought stockings but no stuffers, we wrapped all the gifts the night before Christmas (as in yesterday)... and mind you I’m the worlds worst wrapper, we baked instant cookies instead of making them from scratch, we ordered Chinese food to go for our Christmas meal, the adults decided not to do presents for each other so we can focus on the kids (as in chloe). Crazy how bringing in a second can flip your life upside down & right side up. life has been a bit more chaotic, noisy, and cluttered these past few months yet somehow so perfect. So if you didn’t have a picture perfect Christmas as you see on Instagram... that’s ok because that happens to the best of us! The real beauty is the Christmas spirit and filling each other with love , laughter, & joy! Making memories and being present is the best present of all! Hope you all had the most perfectly imperfect Christmas! #realmoments #colettecalichen #chloevictoriachen #chrisllen #christmas2018


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




