ニューヨーク近代美術館のインスタグラム(themuseumofmodernart) - 12月28日 05時32分

Concert of Dance #3 took place in the basement gym of Judson Church. The performers used the basketball court as their stage, and the audience sat around the edges, watching. Time travel to a brief period in the early 1960’s when a group of choreographers, visual artists, composers, and filmmakers gathered in Judson Memorial Church for a series of workshops that ultimately redefined what counted as dance. Visit for mo.ma/judsondance for moving image installation and workshop schedule.
[Credit: Al Giese’s photograph of Rudy Perez, Elaine Summers, and John Worden in Summers’s SUITE, 1963. Performed at Concert of Dance #3, Judson Memorial Church, January 29, 1963. © Estate of Al Giese/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY.]

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