ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 1月11日 02時01分

Photo @jasperdoest | A group of King Penguins returning ashore after foraging at sea. Their hunting routine changes according to the occasion; at night they hunt in shallow waters and get only small amounts of food, during the day they go deeper where the food is abundant and easier to catch.

King Penguins make multiple dives usually to a depth of over 100 metres, with depths of over 300 metres having been observed. They spend 5-10 minutes underwater on some dives, investigating the seabed for prey.

As their energy expenditure is very high, they can eat up to 450 fishes in a single day. When parents are still responsible for feeding their chicks, they can eat almost 8 pounds of food and regurgitate part of it to nourish their offspring. For more images from South Georgia and other wild places, follow me @jasperdoest. #onassignment @natgeoexpeditions in #southgeorgia #penguins #kingpenguins #Southgeorgiaisland #nature


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