Elva Niのインスタグラム(misselvani) - 1月12日 18時23分

很多時候看到一些護膚產品明明大受好評,自己用起來卻毫無效果......究竟是那裏出了錯? 我會建議你嘗試我早前就介紹過的Clinique iD™️,你可以自選適合自己的個人修護配方 ,更可因應肌膚需要來選擇適合自己的Base,例如今次雪山之旅我就選擇了?紫色撫平皺紋➕啫喱做日常上妝前肌底液,無論天氣有多乾燥,之後使用的護膚品都超級吸收!特別適合與別人的護膚品用後感總是不一樣的你喔~ ———————————————
Often I see many skincare products are highly recommended by others but not as effective when applying on my own and I wonder what the problem is. If you have had the same problem before, I would recommend the Clinique iDTM, which you could customize your own repairing formula based on your own needs. I have chosen the purple wrinkle-free jelly for this ski trip as my step 1 before applying my makeup. All skincare products absorb so well afterwards regardless how dry the weather is. Definitely worth a try for those who often feels different with others after using the same product ?

#cliniquehk #FindMyiD #Clinique肌密iD @cliniquehk


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