ニューヨーク・タイムズのインスタグラム(nytimes) - 1月13日 06時17分

Looking for some #beach vacations for 2019? @nytimestravel has some ideas for you in this year's 52 Places to Go, our annual #travel wishlist. Visit Puerto Rico, our top pick for 2019. A year and a half after Hurricane Maria, the island is on the rebound. Tourism officials say that cruise ship traffic is healthy, hotel room occupancy is climbing back to pre-hurricane levels and many major attractions are open. Go diving in Azores, Portugal, where you’ll be surrounded by mystical green lushness. You could also visit Golfo Paradiso, Italy, a peaceful sliver of coastline rarely explored by travelers to the region, or Batumi, a hushed Georgian seaside city where verdant mountains slope down to the Black Sea’s smooth stone beaches. Visit the link in our profile to see the full #52Places2019 list, and follow @sebmodak, who is traveling to each and every place on the list. Photos shot by Tony Cenicola, @danirodriguesphoto, Lena Tarasyuk and Alamy.


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