ナスティア・リューキンのインスタグラム(nastialiukin) - 1月19日 23時59分

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to the sister I always wanted, the bestest best friend I could have ever asked for, the most talented, creative, loyal, and loving human being I’ve ever met. While maybe our memories don’t go back to our childhood days, I can say the memories we have created already are ones I cherish forever. You’re such a light in this world and the people who get to experience that, are truly the lucky ones. To many many more sick hair styles / creations (but not as many more hair color changes ?) more car rides of me taking the wrong route and you get sliiiiightly annoyed, pizza + sour patch kid nights, matching outfits / continuing to share clothes and shoes because of course we are the exact same size in everything, and many many many more large oat milk earl grey lattes with boba ??❤️ I cannot WAIT to see everything come to life for you this year...May it truly be the best year of your life. I LOVE YOU to pieces @carachele


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