メンフィス・デパイのインスタグラム(memphisdepay) - 1月23日 04時53分

I’m not gonna lie, people don’t really know me. They try to figure me out but you can’t unless you know my background, the scars that made me who I am, the pain I accept as a 8 year old kid. I found healing by God who protected me and was there for me until this day! Maybe one day I will share more about my private life when the time is right, so you all understand why I am who I am and why I do things my way. But furthermore I am so grateful for today, a special day. After many years I received a call from my brother who reached out to me! I know you can’t read this but I just want to let the world know how proud I am to be your little brother! I know God is going to solve everything for you in his timing. #Ivory


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Football • Soccer • Futbolのインスタグラム
Football • Soccer • Futbolさんがフォロー
