ロストのインスタグラム(lost9193) - 1月25日 03時44分

Last summer we teamed up with renowned photographer @マイケル・ミュラー ( who, when he’s not shooting Hollywood’s biggest stars, swims cage free, filming Great White sharks.) His IG feed is a must see.
Mike had been telling me how he’d love to shoot some surfing , using lighting and equipment he’d specifically developed for his shark adventures. We rented out @bsrcablepark and commandeered @cocom4debarrelkilla , @yagodora and @michaelrodrigues85 ( shown here ) and headed off to Texas. Muller doesn’t typically shoot surfing, and his perspective is unique and intriguing. We knew we had some special images. Both being children on the 80’s, we knew we wanted to see them in print. @surfer_magazine obliged. The newest issue, on stands now, boasts a flamboyant photo feature, which is the fruit of our endeavors.


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