ナタリア・コルドバ・バックリーのインスタグラム(yosoycordova) - 1月30日 08時22分

2019 has already been made and it’s just beginning.

Rupi’s poetry has gotten me through some unexpected dark moments. her “you tell me to quiet down” poem, (shared in pictures) has become a mantra I read when I feel scared to use my voice.
Rupi’s poetry was there for me and it’s also here for you.

to receive a message from a woman I profoundly admire about my own work is a gift of connection like no other, it’s the healing balm that mends our heart.

this is what putting our vulnerability out there does. what reaching out to other women creates. it makes a mirror out of us for others to find themselves in. we become for each other, the breadcrumbs that lead us home.
it’s the magic of the universe whispering ... you are on the right path.

i am not only a huge fan of Rupi’s writing, i am also an admirer of the way she sees the world and how she exposes the themes that are extremely relevant to humanities current plagues.

So go follow her, read her and be moved.

thank you mama @rupikaur_ ✨?✨


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



