アラナ・ニコルズのインスタグラム(alanathejane) - 2月3日 06時40分

@sydneyprather is one of the most talented photographers I know. She’s creative and has natural eye for photography, no doubt, but she’s also always pushing herself to become better, to learn and expand her art.
She created this project called #blindlocation to challenge her craft even more. Basically you close your eyes, drop a pin on a random location... drive there and then let the creative juices flow w in the environment your given. When she came to hang a couple weeks ago, we did just that here in Renooooo, it was good times. .
Go to @sydneyprather and click on the link in her bio to check the whole blog and video, if you love photography or not, it’s rad. .
?: @sydneyprather (Duh)


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