Happy Birthday Baby boy, my son, my matrix, little man, my silent assassin, my hero. I can’t believe you are 17. I still remember telling your mommy when she was 9 months pregnant with you “okay Ang, it’s Super Bowl Sunday, whatever you do don’t have this baby today! Use your kegels”! And she said. “Okay”. I went to uncle Shawn’s house to watch the game. I cracked a beer as the Rams kicked off to the Patriots (the irony) and while the ball was in the air my grey Motorola cellphone rang, it was your mother “Baby, my water broke”! “Okay be right there baby” i calmly replied. I guess you wanted to see the game too. And on this day you was born. I’ll never forget the tears that rolled down my face as you entered this world. My life is now fueled by my love of my family. I had a already had a beautiful baby girl and but now i had a beautiful baby boy to match. And my life became purposed. Son, you have no idea the pride i feel when i watch you play sports. The way you magically juked and scored on the football field. Those line drives you cracked on that baseball field and the Amazing display of athletic grace that you perform on that basketball court. You’re amazing. You’ve made me so proud, so many times. Not only by your athletic prowess but through your hard work ethic. But mostly by your generous, gracious, quiet leadership. As much as i want to boast about my son it is you that makes me think team first. The way you pass up a potentially great shot to pass the ball to a teammate who has an easier non-contested shot. It shows your character. I’m not raising an athlete, I’m raising a man. And the quality of your character speaks volumes to your mother and I efforts. My greatest smiles have come from being a daddy. The greatest joy. Baby boy you are loved. I’ll will always hug you like the baby that i held the first moment he entered this world crying and i held you in my arms and said “hey man, hi son” you heard my voice and you smirked. From that day on we were bonded. Father and son... hopefully best friends. Love you more than life. And if God should one day take me... just know that your daddy LOVES LOVES LOVES YOU! I’m always a phone call or prayer away.

marlonwayansさん(@marlonwayans)が投稿した動画 -

マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 2月4日 00時47分

Happy Birthday Baby boy, my son, my matrix, little man, my silent assassin, my hero. I can’t believe you are 17. I still remember telling your mommy when she was 9 months pregnant with you “okay Ang, it’s Super Bowl Sunday, whatever you do don’t have this baby today! Use your kegels”! And she said. “Okay”. I went to uncle Shawn’s house to watch the game. I cracked a beer as the Rams kicked off to the Patriots (the irony) and while the ball was in the air my grey Motorola cellphone rang, it was your mother “Baby, my water broke”! “Okay be right there baby” i calmly replied. I guess you wanted to see the game too. And on this day you was born. I’ll never forget the tears that rolled down my face as you entered this world. My life is now fueled by my love of my family. I had a already had a beautiful baby girl and but now i had a beautiful baby boy to match. And my life became purposed. Son, you have no idea the pride i feel when i watch you play sports. The way you magically juked and scored on the football field. Those line drives you cracked on that baseball field and the Amazing display of athletic grace that you perform on that basketball court. You’re amazing. You’ve made me so proud, so many times. Not only by your athletic prowess but through your hard work ethic. But mostly by your generous, gracious, quiet leadership. As much as i want to boast about my son it is you that makes me think team first. The way you pass up a potentially great shot to pass the ball to a teammate who has an easier non-contested shot. It shows your character. I’m not raising an athlete, I’m raising a man. And the quality of your character speaks volumes to your mother and I efforts. My greatest smiles have come from being a daddy. The greatest joy. Baby boy you are loved. I’ll will always hug you like the baby that i held the first moment he entered this world crying and i held you in my arms and said “hey man, hi son” you heard my voice and you smirked. From that day on we were bonded. Father and son... hopefully best friends. Love you more than life. And if God should one day take me... just know that your daddy LOVES LOVES LOVES YOU! I’m always a phone call or prayer away.


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