ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 2月4日 19時02分

Photo by @florianschulzvisuals | This is what it looks like when a 3000-pound black rhino wants to take out the photographer. During my lectures, I often get asked about some of the most dangerous moments in my career, and this rhino encounter was definitely one of them. Together with former poachers that were now working with Save the Rhino Trust, I was patrolling the open landscapes of northwestern Namibia looking for black rhinos. This rhino had taken a mud bath in one of the few watering holes when it heard the shutter of my camera. A rhino’s eyesight is very poor and it decided to attack. My guides and trackers had already climbed a tree while I was still standing there taking a series of shots. I ran at the last moment, leaving the tripod behind. The rhino caught up fast. There was no time to climb the tree. I barely made it behind the tree when the rhino took out a branch as thick as my leg that was low to the ground. The trackers started barking like dogs, motivating the rhino to keep going. Thank God it did! Please #FollowMe at @florianschulzvisuals for more stories from the wild! #blackrhino #namibia #wildlifephotography #africa #savetherhinotrust

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Angelina Boykoのインスタグラム
Angelina Boykoさんがフォロー

