リズ・クライモのインスタグラム(lizclimo) - 2月5日 07時15分

In memory of my mom, who lost her battle with cancer 16 years ago on her 50th birthday. She was the sort of person everyone wanted to be around. Growing up, I watched as she opened her home to anyone that was lost, both animal or human, and provide a safe and loving space. When times were hard, she taught me the value of levity. When we disagreed, she’d listen to & try to understand my side of the argument. She was kind. She cared about people, and made everyone feel special & loved. She was one of the funniest people I’ve ever known. It really sucks that she’s gone, but I can’t believe how lucky I was to have her as a mom. Her birthday, the day she died, is this Thursday, so there will be another post about her soon. But she deserves all the posts. I want the world to know what a special person Mary Lou Climo was ? #worldcancerday


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