ヤン・ホイヤーのインスタグラム(janhojer) - 2月7日 05時04分

I kinda agree when people tell me speed climbing has nothing to do with ’real climbing‘.
And it sure is my least favourite discipline and I’ll never touch this route ever again, once the Olympics are over (or even earlier if I don’t qualify ?)
That being said, I accepted the challenge to push my personal best (and the German record ?) in the limited time i have left and expected it to be rather joyless and boring..
But the past two days I had the honour to be coached by @danyil_boldyrev who generously shared his knowledge with me and pointed out all the mistakes I still make ??‍♂️
Getting a glimpse into the world of a speed World Champion was really motivating and all the new input makes me look forward to the hours I’ll put into something I thought I would never enjoy ?

@madrockclimbing ? @sytsevanslooten


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