Elva Niのインスタグラム(misselvani) - 2月9日 13時36分

常常有人問我女孩子要怎樣展現自我,我認為女生要勇敢一點,不要害怕面對失敗和發聲,鍛鍊身和心的意志力,才能成就出更強大的Girl‘s power!

今年我獲邀擔任為Cosmopolitan與國際培幼會合辦的「愛。女孩」起跑慈善跑步籌款活動大使,希望大家用你的一步,跑出對女童的支持,三月十七日約定你! ——————————————————
People often asks me how girls should reveal their true self. I believe girls should have more confidence in themselves, don't be afraid to overcome failure, voice out their opinions, as well as training the power of both their minds and bodies to become a stronger girl's power.

Being the spokesperson for Run For Girls 2019 organized by Cosmopolitan and PLAN international, I hope you all could use every step of yours to pave the path to support the girls in need. See you on Mar 17! ?? https://mycosmo.hk/run-for-girls-2019  #國際培幼會 #愛女孩起跑 #同為女孩加油 #PlanHK#PlanInternationalHK #RunForGirls #RunForGirlsRights#HOFDiamond #PerfectlyCutDiamond #InspiredGirl #IgniteHerFuture @heartsonfirehk


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