大坂なおみのインスタグラム(naomiosaka) - 2月20日 16時21分

You know what’s crazy? The fact that I get this constant outpouring of love from you guys but all it’ll take is one mean comment and boom that’s all I can focus on. Whyyyyy am I like this. Hahaha anyways so these past few weeks have been a really big struggle for me and I’m beyond grateful for all the love you guys have shown me. Thank you so much 🤗❤️ (if I could hug you guys I would but I’ve been told I’m really bad at giving hugs lol)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




Instagram Japanのインスタグラム
Instagram Japanさんがフォロー
