Pilot season is crazy pants. I think I forgot about how insane it is because I haven’t done it for 9 years, but Oh boy… it’s a lot. In order to stay sane during this season, The name of the game is SURRENDER. Which is REALLY hard for me. The fear of the unknown is always present in my life, but during pilot season, it amps up a few hundred degrees. There are so many scripts to read and rooms to walk in to, and risks to take… And that’s just the work part of it. Because what comes with all of that work is the whiplash of good and bad news. Of encouragement and discouragement. Of exciting highs and disappointing lows… of hurry up and wait. Roll the dice. Jump blindfolded into the abyss… Make a 6 year potential life-altering decision now now NOW! It’s a lot. I just want to know how it’s all gonna turn out, so I don’t have to sit in the discomfort of the unknown. I want to feel stable! But here’s the thing. That next thing I’m hoping for— that I think will make me feel stable— will never settle me because the unknown is ALWAYS in front of me. I cannot control my future- no matter how hard I try and I’m learning that the only way to be at peace is to get comfortable with the discomfort of the unknowable future. So how do I do that? I think the key is to be present in this moment right now. Not yesterday at my audition. Not tomorrow or next month planning my potential future- maybe in another state or country. But right here. Right now. At my desk, writing. With my kids, getting them ready for bed. With my husband connecting about the day. In my body, connected to my soul, in a space of surrender. What I CAN do is the task before me right now. Read the script. Do my work. Hold my kids. The future will reveal itself and when I get there I will take the next step. One foot in front of the other. There is freedom that comes with knowing that I don’t have control, and cannot control my future. I surrender the big things to God (or the Universe), and take each next step faithfully, in this moment. Here. Now. What do you need to surrender in this season of your life? ?by the amazing @cibellelevi ❤️❤️❤️

thesarahdrewさん(@thesarahdrew)が投稿した動画 -

サラ・ドリューのインスタグラム(thesarahdrew) - 2月22日 05時52分

Pilot season is crazy pants. I think I forgot about how insane it is because I haven’t done it for 9 years, but Oh boy… it’s a lot. In order to stay sane during this season, The name of the game is SURRENDER. Which is REALLY hard for me.

The fear of the unknown is always present in my life, but during pilot season, it amps up a few hundred degrees. There are so many scripts to read and rooms to walk in to, and risks to take… And that’s just the work part of it. Because what comes with all of that work is the whiplash of good and bad news. Of encouragement and discouragement. Of exciting highs and disappointing lows… of hurry up and wait. Roll the dice. Jump blindfolded into the abyss… Make a 6 year potential life-altering decision now now NOW! It’s a lot.
I just want to know how it’s all gonna turn out, so I don’t have to sit in the discomfort of the unknown. I want to feel stable!

But here’s the thing. That next thing I’m hoping for— that I think will make me feel stable— will never settle me because the unknown is ALWAYS in front of me. I cannot control my future- no matter how hard I try and I’m learning that the only way to be at peace is to get comfortable with the discomfort of the unknowable future. So how do I do that?

I think the key is to be present in this moment right now. Not yesterday at my audition. Not tomorrow or next month planning my potential future- maybe in another state or country. But right here. Right now. At my desk, writing. With my kids, getting them ready for bed. With my husband connecting about the day. In my body, connected to my soul, in a space of surrender.
What I CAN do is the task before me right now. Read the script. Do my work. Hold my kids. The future will reveal itself and when I get there I will take the next step. One foot in front of the other. There is freedom that comes with knowing that I don’t have control, and cannot control my future. I surrender the big things to God (or the Universe), and take each next step faithfully, in this moment. Here. Now.
What do you need to surrender in this season of your life? ?by the amazing @cibellelevi ❤️❤️❤️


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