スカイラー・カーギルのインスタグラム(skylarkergil) - 3月1日 05時41分

probably the first song i’ve learned on my own and covered in a year wowow. left for dead by citizen cope was one song i almost always put on mix cds for friends back in high school. simple and beautiful, i’ve always loved this song.
don’t mind me looking sleepy (i am,) and looking at my hand (i am,) as i have two numb fingers due to a nerve issue that i’m hoping to have fixed soon! kind of amazed i still have the dexterity i do and i’m blessed for that. i have an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation and occasionally will cause neuropathy. it’s not fun, but i’m learning to live with it!
what songs have you been digging lately? let me know! :) #transandhappy #citizencope #leftfordead #cover #music #lgbtq #love


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