ミンカ・ケリーのインスタグラム(minkakelly) - 3月9日 01時53分

Thinking of my momma.
Her spirit. Her heart.
Thinking of how vulnerable we are to our surroundings.
How we are raised.
I think of her innocence and naïveté.
I think of despite how dark things might be that you can still shine such a light and what a crime it is to ever be so misunderstood.
How much that hurts.
To be taken for granted.
For the people closest to you to not only fail to but refuse to see said light...
Sometimes we learn the most important lessons the hard way - through loss and retrospection.
If we’re lucky we‘re present and conscious every single day and love our loved ones while we have them.
Even though, and even when, we think they’re wrong.
If we’re really lucky we know before it’s too late that being right is inconsequential to the big picture.
Love is all that matters.
My goodness is that ever true.
Love your beautiful mothers.
They really are doing their best.
Even if, by your standards, it isn’t good enough.


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