フィービー・ディ・トマソのインスタグラム(phoebeditommaso) - 3月12日 13時50分

Mental Matters ?
I am so much more aware of mental health and how scary someone’s journey can be. By no means do I think my experience was as severe as others.. but it did open my eyes as to how real and raw it can be for people in my world.
I am eternally indebted to the friends around me who were just ‘there’ when I didn’t even know what I was.
I’m not an expert. Far from it. And not everyone has the same journey.
I have so many friends with varying levels of mental health issues, some medicated, some not. Everyone's path is different, and no one should be judged.
I have had some of the most beautiful people around me & some of the strongest bonds that have formed through this experience and I am forever grateful for the support I had during, and continue to have. I know for others it can be one of the most lonely & isolated places in the world. People care. I promise. They can't make it better. But they are there.
And if me talking about it means one more person is able to open up.. then I consider this worthwhile.

My point is this.
If you’re unaware, un-empathetic and choose to be oblivious about mental health issues.. please don't be. It’s more prevalent than you know. And the more you learn, and try to have at least some level of understanding.. the more you’re making the world a better place ❤️
#mentalhealthmatters #levelup


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