VICEのインスタグラム(vice) - 3月13日 01時01分

When it comes to the stories people share on the internet, the line between empirical truth and emotional truth can be extremely hard to parse. ? It’s not that we’re incapable of identifying false or exaggerated information; it’s just that we’re always performing. ? In some ways, sharing a news story is no different from posting a song you love, a photo of your latest kitchen creation, or a celebration of a relationship anniversary. ? We’re providing other people with small glimpses of who we are, and sometimes, that need to express ourselves seems to blind us to what we’re actually sharing. ? For the Truth and Lies Issue of VICE Magazine, @emiliefriedlander spoke to researchers in psychology, political science, media studies, and computer science about why people share fake news. ? Link in bio. ?: @georgebenjamindouglas


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