ブライアン・マックナイトのインスタグラム(brianmcknight23) - 3月15日 23時28分

So people always ask me and my wife @leilani_211 what she does for a living and most people when they see a woman wearing scrubs they automatically think nurse which isnt a crime because nurses are awesome but it is a stereotype. So let’s clear this up . My wife is a Pediatric Neuro Physiologist and for as long as I’ve known her she and her team do everything they can to save children’s lives who suffer from all sorts of brain anomalies. But along the way there were so many people who tried to dissuade her from her goal but she persevered and after already having two kids she went back to school and after 12 years of hard work study and sacrifice, she made her dream a reality. I’m so proud of you baby of not just what you do but who you are and I’m so in love with you more everyday ❤️❤️❤️ #iloveourlife #mr&mrsmcknightworldtour19 #shesnotthenurse

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