ダイアン フォン ファステンバーグのインスタグラム(dvf) - 3月21日 22時16分

It’s Aries time! Diane’s personal astrologer, @vonstrunckel shares her horoscope for Aries in 2019. “The arrival of the Rams’ ruling planet, the fiery Mars in Aries actually on January 1stis rare and exciting and, better yet, kick-starts their year with the kind of excitement and promise they thrive on. Things will be moving swiftly. If there’s any challenge, it’s recognizing that what’s best won’t always have been their idea or for them to organize. It’s about teamwork. Explore everything, knowing that by midyear, the Rams will have learned enough to focus on what, and who, offers the most. There’s no rush. They should take things slowly, learning as they proceed. October is the next turning point, when plans involving other, personal, business or romantic turn into something lasting, if not life-changing, possibly overnight.” ♈️ 🌟


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