ナショナルジオグラフィックのインスタグラム(natgeo) - 3月30日 18時04分

Photo by @amivitale | A giant panda cub wakes up from nap time in the incubator room at the Bifengxia Giant Panda Breeding and Research Center in Sichuan Province, China. At birth, pandas are blind and weigh only a few ounces, but in six months they can grow to 88 pounds.

After years of research, scientists have learned how to successfully breed pandas in captivity. With an adult population estimated at more than 1,864 wild pandas and 500 captive pandas, they have been upgraded from endangered to threatened. In a region where bad environmental news is common, China is on its way to successfully saving its most famous ambassador.
I recently published my book, Panda Love, featuring my long-term work on these adorable ambassadors made on assignment for @ナショナルジオグラフィック. Learn more about this and other conservation successes at @amivitale. #china #pandamonium #pandas #giantpanda #conservation


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