ライアン・ロクテのインスタグラム(ryanlochte) - 4月1日 00時42分

We are in countdown mode for the @themaccrutchfieldfoundation charity event! You can visit their instagram page and click the link in their bio to sign up! The Welcome Reception is Saturday, April 6th at the Renaissance Hotel in Boca Raton from 6pm-8pm. The swim clinic will be held on Sunday, April 7th at Saint Andrew’s School in Boca Raton, Florida from 8am-11am. The Brunch and Silent Auction will follow from 12pm-4pm. I look forward to seeing you there! All clinic participants will receive a drawstring backpack from my amazing sponsor @TYRSport filled with goodies! #givingback #TYRSport
The Mac Crutchfield Foundation Mission Statement: To prevent drowning through education and provide swim lessons to residents of communities in need.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




