トミー・コールドウェルのインスタグラム(tommycaldwell) - 4月4日 21時12分

I have been traveling through Slovakia this week, enjoying the local crags and showing the DW film. The history of this wonderful country is filled with suppression and corruption. Last year an investigative journalist was murdered by a rich businessman with links to high ranking officials. This instigated the biggest street protests since 1989. Then last week they elected their first female president. An extraordinary woman who is fighting against a toxic waste dump in her home town and wants increased transparency throughout the country. The people here seem quite hopeful that their voices are making a difference, even in this unlikely part of Europe. I have found my time here very uplifting. It’s a good reminder of how speaking out can in fact make for better change.
Airplane travel is one of my biggest dilemmas these days. Globally it occupies 9 percent of carbon emissions from transportation . But without it my job and my passion would be unattainable, and I would lose my voice which I am attempting to use for good. I also believe that traveling is unifying because it teaches us that people all over the world are amazing. I buy offsets even though I know it is imperfect. It makes me feel better and probably does some good. And I am doing my best to fly a bit less. I am not sure what the right thing to do is. I really admire those that choose to stay home. All interesting things to ponder. 📸 Miška Izakovičová


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